Creature Listings

Table of Contents Regions Races Classes
Skills and Feats Equipment Dream Energy Spells
Dream Creatures Creature Lists Relics GameMastering
Glossary Appendix: The Magi Designer's Notes Magi-Nation Sites

Creature Listings: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z

The statistics for the creatures of the Moonlands are presented on the following pages. The statistics for each creature conform to the standard d20 system for creatures, with the following special notes:

Special Abilities

All Dream Creatures have certain special qualities. These all originate from their dream aura. In d20 terms, the dream energy is detectable with a detect magic spell; the energy is disrupted when a Dream Creature suffers enough damage to kill the creature or knock it unconscious. When this happens, the dream creature vanishes from the real world, just as a summoned creature would. See the Dream Creatures page for more details on this and other special properties of Dream Creatures.

There are several standard special abilities, as well as generalizations for certain classes of creatures. These are listed below:

Core Immunity

A creature with Core Immunity is immune to any spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that carries the taint of the Core. This includes all Core spells which directly affect the creature (e.g., if it would normally get a Spell Resistance check). This does not prevent physical attacks by Core creatures, or a Core magi using spells indirectly. The immunity also extends to any Vile or Evil spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability from a creature with the Vile or Evil trait.

Core Resistance

Core Resistance functions similarly to Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, and such. It is an additional type of energy resistance. In addition, Core Resistance also provides Spell Resistance equal to the resistance rating +10 against Core spells and spell-like abiities.


Many Paradwyn creatures have the ability to Dreamwarp. This allows the creature to increase or decrease its size for a particular period of time. This allows the creature to become smaller for stealthy activities, or larger when it needs to attack or threaten an opponent. The Dreamwarping effect lasts for an hour, at which time the creature slowly returns to its original size.

Magi who summon creatures with the Dreamwarping ability may have the creature appear either in its larger, smaller or normal size. When summoning a creature that is larger than normal, the Magi must spend an extra 4 energy; when summoning a smaller-than normal dream-warping creature, the magi spends 2 less energy than normal. A creature summoned must remain in its summoned size for at least an hour before it can Dreamwarp itself - a magi cannot summon a smaller-than-normal K'Teeb only to have it immediately grow to full size on the following round.

Original Size New Size AC/Attack Mod Ability Mods


+1 Str, -1 Dex
Diminuative Fine
-1 Str, +1 Dex
+1 Str, -1 Dex
Tiny Diminuative
-1 Str, +1 Dex
+2 Str, -2 Dex
Small Tiny
-2 Str, +2 Dex
+2 Str, -2 Dex
Medium Small
-2 Str, +2 Dex
+2 Str, -2 Dex
Large Medium
-2 Str, +2 Dex
+4 Str, -4 Dex
Huge Large
-4 Str, +4 Dex
+4 Str, -4 Dex
Gargantuan Huge
-4 Str, +4 Dex
+8 Str, -8 Dex
Colossal Gargantuan
-8 Str, +8 Dex

Each increase in size category also gives -4 to Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +2 to Natural Armor. Each decrease in size gives a +4 to Hide and Move Silently checks, but a -2 to Natural Armor (which cannot be reduced below 0). Modifiers cannot reduce an Ability Score below 1, unless specifically noted in the creature description. Face and Reach increase or decrease appropriately, as does the base damage of the creature's natural weapons (generally increasing or decreasing by a die type, with a d8 damage increasing to 2d6).


A very few Dreamwarping creatures may be warped more than one size category. In those cases, all modifiers in the table above are cumulative. Such creatures will revert back to normal by one size category per hour.


A number of creatures from the Sands of D'Resh are illusionary. However, creatures which have the Illusionary trait aren't specifically illusions (in the traditional sense). Their Dream Aura (the field which keeps them intact) is less solid than most Dream Creatures, and therefore they cannot physically touch objects in the physical world which have no Dream Aura (e.g., Moonlanders or non-relic physical objects). The only exception is natural terrain or features - an illusionary creature cannot move through the ground, for instance. D'Resh Magi summoning an Illusionary creature only need to spend 2 Dream Energy/CR of the creature summoned.


Immature creatures are creatures which learn how to manifest themselves on the physical world before maturity. They may be found with their parents, or exploring alone for some of the more bold creatures. Immature dream creatures mature at varying rates; some magi believe that those who spend more time in the physical world mature faster, but this is not known for sure.

Immature creatures will have an Advancement which typically takes them to adulthood. In game terms, the variable aging rate means that creatures which are bonded to magi will mature as they grow in hit dice, not necessarily at a particular rate.


A few creatures of Paradwyn sing what is known as the Scarletsong. This is a song which is composed of a number of different melodies. Mulitple melodies will blend into a greater song, each taking a part of the harmonious whole. In addition to the beauty of the song itself, each of the melodies has its own magical effect, and creatures hearing the song may be affected by all of the melodies. Identical melodies do not stack; each creature sings a particular melody as listed in their creature description. In most cases, the singer may choose which creatures are affected by its scarletsong, or the singer may affect all creatures in the area.

In addition, the scarletsong has a cumulative effect independent of the individual melodies. If two different melodies are blended together, XXX

Creatures singing the scarletsong must maintain it; this usually prevents the singer from using a Bite attack or communicating verbally.


A creature with the shadow trait is not bothered by Core taint. They do not suffer morale penalties from their magi casting a core spell, and have no problem serving a tainted magi. Creatures with Shadow frequently either have a bit of a nasty streak, or are hopelessly naive. They will not serve a true Core magi however, unless otherwise noted in the creature description.

Core creatures with the Shadow trait are instead willing to work with magi from a non-Core region. This region is generally listed in parenthesis in the creature's Region entry. Core creatures which ally themselves to a non-Core magi will be loyal to that magi. Of course, using a Core creature may cause the magi's other creatures to be somewhat uneasy.


Skulking creatures despise their home regions. They will only rarely work with a magi of their own region, and will prefer to bond with a magi who might oppose the magi within a region. Thus, a skulking creature from Bograth is more likely to bond with a magi from Paradwyn than Bograth. Magi from regions other than the creature's region do not suffer a regional penalty on their control checks. Conversely, magi from the creature's region do suffer the regional penalty on control checks.


The grasslands known as the Weave have a collective awareness. Most creatures that dwell within the Weave are linked into this collective awareness, and thus empathically aware. These Weave Creatures may share information about their current condition, knowledge of invaders, or simple feelings such as unease or happiness. They may also send an ally some of their own life energy (in the form of hit points). Communication of advanced concepts is not automatic.

Weave Magi are not automatically linked into the weave mind at all times. They can get general feelings from their dream creatures, like most magi.

Information Received
DC for check
General Emotional State (hunger, fear, etc)
Current Location
Detailed Sensory
Transfer Energy
Special (see below)
Weave Creatures controlled by the same Magi
Each 100' of distance
Non-Weave creature*

To check if a Dream Creature is able to receive information or energy from another, the Dream Creature makes a Wisdom Check against the table above. Success means the information is successfully received. A creature that is trying to broadcast specific information (e.g,, a warning), energy, or using a special ability via the Weave can add their Charisma bonus to the receiver's check.

Example: A drowl is wandering the Weave when it sees a pair of Chaos Jiles bounding towards it. It sends out a warning using the Weave. A Tweave is 30 feet away, and a Grass Hyren is 120 feet away. Both the Tweave and the Grass Hyren may check to see if they sense the Drowl's distress. The Tweave rolls a 7 + its Wisdom modifier (+2) and the Drowl's Charisma modifier (+1), just enough to succeed (DC 10). The Grass Hyren also checks, but has to roll against a difficulty of 12, which it also makes. Next, the Tweave and the Grass Hyren need to locate the drowl to come to its aid. This requires a DC of 15; the Tweave rolls a 16 (+2 for its wisdom), so it flies to the drowl's aid. The Grass Hyren on the other hand only rolls a total of 14, so it starts searching the weave until it locates the drowl. The Tweave projects to the Drowl that its flying to the drowl's aid (this is Tactical information), so the drowl rolls against a DC of 20, but gains a +1 modifier to the roll due to its wisdom (the Tweave's Charisma penalty of -2 is not subtracted - only bonuses apply). It lucks out and rolls a 20, so it attacks one of the jiles and allows the tweave to make a surprise flanking attack on the same target.

The Weave itself is considered to have a Charisma of 30 (+10 modifier) for broadcasting its general state; of course it has no range penalties to reach anyone within the Weave. The Weave never broadcasts tactical or sensory information, but it will quickly transmit warnings if The Weave itself is threatened (say, by a wildfire started by a Calder).

Regional Immunities

Creatures from certain regions have automatic immunities. These immunities are not listed under the creature description, but all creatures from the regions below have the listed immunities:

Dream Creature Advancement

As a Dream Creature gains more experience working with a magi, it learns new abilities and techniques. Some of these are natural progressions of power or maturation (for instance, the evolution of a Xyx into a Xyx Elder). Others gain new talents by learning from their magi. Each dream creature may have notes about how it progresses as it gains in power.

The CR for a Dream Creature usually increases by 1 for each 2 extra hit dice, unless otherwise specified. This affects the energy needed to summon the creature.

Creature Listings: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z

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