Magi-Nation: Classes

Table of Contents Regions Races Classes
Skills and Feats Equipment Dream Energy Spells
Dream Creatures Creature Lists Relics GameMastering
Glossary Appendix: The Magi Designer's Notes Magi-Nation Sites

This is an unofficial version of d20 character classes for Magi-Nation. These classes have not necessarily been playtested or properly balanced against each other. However, hopefully this will give interested players a chance to both experiment with, and introduce, Magi-Nation characters into their campaigns, or run a campaign set in the moonlands.

The following are the basic classes for MN:


General Class Notes

All characters have an amount of dream energy they can control. This energy allows them to cast spells or summon Dream Creatures. The amount of energy gained at each level varies by class. Dream Energy is regained by nightly rest.

All classes listed are considered Magi classes. The magi's total level is used to figure the spells he learns at each level. For instance, Cumula, a 6th level Arderial Adept, decides to take a level of Warrior when reaching 7th level. While the Dream Energy gained at 7th level will be based on the Warrior class, the new spells learned are based on the general table. In the descriptions of the classes, Magi Level refers to the character's total level, while Class Level (e.g., Adept Level) refers to the levels in the specific class. All class-based abilities are based upon the Class Level. Magi learn spells at the same rate as a Sorceror (see Player's Handbook, p.45, table 3-17), using the total Magi level for number of spells known.

Dream Energy is used for both summoning Dream Creatures and casting Spells. Spells cost Dream Energy equal to 3 times the Spell level (0-level spells cost 1 point). Likewise, summoning Dream Creatures cost 3x the CR of the Dream Creature., and requires an Animite Ring for that creature. See the Spells section for more details on casting spells, and the Summoning section for rules on summoning.


Adepts are specialists in the magics of their region. They delve into the magical lore and mysteries of the Moonlands, and are able to learn and cast spells more skillfully than any other class.

Abilities Gained:

The Adept can attempt to reduce the cost of a spell cast by 1 point per level of spell. The Adept can do this a number of times per day equal to their Adept Level. The Adept must make a Spellcraft check at difficulty (10 + 2*Spell level) to succeed. The Adept may only use this ability when casting spells of their own region.
At 3rd level, and every 3 levels afterward, the Adept may gain one Metamagic feat.
At 5th Level, Adepts get a +2 Class Bonus on Spellcraft. This rises to +4 at 10th level, +6 at 15th level, and +8 at 20th level.
Favored Spell
At 7th level, the Adept may choose one spell he or she knows. This spell becomes a Favored Spell, and the magi can cast it as a Move-Equivalent action. They still must pay Dream Energy to cast it, and the spell must be the same region as the magi. The magi can delay choosing a Favored Spell until a higher level (in order to have a higher-level Favored Spell), but once chosen, the spell is fixed. The magi will likely become known for that particular spell (Example: Grega with Thermal Blast).


The relics of the Moonlands are quite varied. The Artificer is devoted to crafting and caring for the relics, and has skill in creating them. They are talented at building and crafting items, and can work wonders with their native materials.

Abilities Gained:

At First Level, the Artificer learns how to preserve natural elements from their region to use for constructing relics. This prevents decay (for vegetable matter) or erosion from affecting the object, and the object does not lose its shape or properties. For instance, this can be used by an Orothean to preserve a bit of nice coral which she later turns into a decorative necklace. The coral won't crumble or suffer adverse effects if it is taken into the Cald, for instance (although it still could catch fire).
Each Artificer level is counted as two levels for the purpose of learning the following Item Creation Feats: Forge Ring, Craft Wondrous , Brew Potion,
At 3rd level, the Artificer may strengthen an item to make it more durable. This allows shells to become strong enough to withstand blows from a Dream Creature, or garments made from leaves to provide protection from briars. The item will not break or wear out from normal use, and it gains +3 hardness (minimum 5). Arderian Artificers at this point can strengthen cloudstuff to be strong enough to bear the weight of a non-flyer. Strengthening an item takes an hour for a medium object; add one hour per size modifier (eg, a wagon-sized object, which is Huge, takes 3 hours); smaller objects do not reduce the strengthening time. The process also requires spending 5 Dream Energy per hour to harden the object.
At 7th Level, an Artificer may preserve parts of a wild Dream Creature so that it will not disappear when the creature is returned to the dream plane. This would allow an Artificer to preserve the fangs of a Bagala for later use in constructing a relic. Artificers find that it is generally easier to construct relics which mimic creature properties by using components from the creature. Creatures who have components salvaged do not leave behind any Animite when they are defeated (the magical energy is infused into the salvaged part) . This ability only works on wild creatures of the same region as the Artificer, and does NOT work on Hyrens.
an 11th Level Artificer can enchant an item of another magi so that it absorbs some of the skills, feats and knowledge of the magi. This relic may then be passed onto other magi that can temporarily borrow some of the talents of the other magi. (example: Yaki's Gauntlets, Bo'Ahsa's Shield).
Additional Regions
At 15th Level, an Artificer may use relics from any region, as long as he has at least 6 ranks in Knowledge for that region.


The Corrupter is a class restricted to Core characters; as such its ideally suited as an NPC class. Characters who have taken the Shadow prestige class may also take this class. The Corrupter is skilled at corrupting dream creatures. At higher levels, they are also able to taint, and eventually corrupt, magi of other regions. The corrupter manipulates the dark energies of the Core to infuse dream creatures with the evil energy, tainting the creature.

Abilities Gained: Tainting/corrupting DCs, magi magical snares?

Note: Under VERY specific circumstances, a GM may allow a non-Core, non-Shadow character to learn levels as a Corrupter. This would represent a character who is learning to extend their region's influence/abilities. Scyalla is an example of a Weave Corrupter (she's learning to make non-Weave creatures part of the Weave), but she is only able to learn the class because Nagsis (a very high-level Corrupter) is teaching her (disguised as Gia, of course).


Charged with the defense of their homeland, Defenders stand ready to repel an invasion from a hostile region. They may also be charged with defending particular sites, or defending the people of a city. Town Watches are usually Defenders.

Abilities Gained:

The Defender not only links empathically with his Dream Creatures, he also knows where they are. As long as the Dream Creature is within 60 feet of the Defender, the Defender knows where they are. This only operates in the Defender's native region.
The Defender automatically gains the Alertness feat, gaining a +2 bonus to Spot and Listen checks.
The Defender can perceive whatever one of his Dream Creatures is perceiving at 7th level. This lets him look through the creature's eyes, hear what it hears, etc.
Group Empathy
At 12th level, all of the Defender's Dream Creatures are aware of each other, and can empathically communicate among themselves.


Healers care for the creatures and people of their home. Healers frequently aid creatures who are wounded, and are usually welcome even by other regions. Their power can be quite potent, for they can also augment their creatures.

Abilities Gained:

This ability allows the Healer to sense the general health and energy level of a Dream Creature. At first level, a healer may only perceive the health/energy of Dream Creatures from her own region.
The Healer may heal a Dream Creature by giving it some of her own Dream Energy.


Wanderers, explorers, and jacks-of-all-trades, the scout learns a bit about many different regions as they travel. Wanderlust and curiousity characterize this adventurer, and they are the most likely to be found in regions outside their own.


Summoners are specialists in the art of summoning Dream Creatures. Summoners can control the summons more effectively, and can even summon DCs without need of a special ring at higher levels (comment: sorceror as base, with ability to summon DCs without ring increasing by level)

Abilities gained:
A summoner can attempt to summon a Dream Creature without the use of an Animite Ring. The creature summoned is under the Summoner's control, but it is not linked empathically with the magi. The cost is 4x the creature's CR. The Summoner can try for a specfic creature type or grab whatever creature is nearest. This ability only summons creatures from the Summoner's region.
Dream Plane Perception
At 4th level, the Summoner may perceive the surroundings in the Dream Plane. This allows the Summoner to see what creatures are nearby and available for summoning.
Summoning Talent
A 5th level Summoner may select a particular talents from the following list. The summoner may select another at 10th level, another at 15th level, and one more at 20th level. These are Summoner-specific talents.


While all classes learn how to summon Dream Creatures, and about the creatures of their lands, the Wardens become very familiar with a few particular creature types (such as Jiles, Xyxes, etc.). The Warden can actually gift their favored creatures with additional abilities.

Abilities Gained:

Favored Creature
At first level, a Warden selects a creature type (Balamants, Parmalags, etc.). The creature type selected must have at least one representative creature native to the region of the Warden .
The Warden gains a +2 class bonus to Animal Empathy checks dealing with her chosen creature type; this bonus rises to +4 at 6th level, +6 at 11th level, and +8 at 16th level.
Gifted Creature
At 5th level, and every 5 Warden levels afterward, the warden may select one Warden Gift his selected creature:
Regional Acceptance
At 7th level, the warden may interact with creatures of his chosen type from any region (except Core), with no penalty.
Second Creature Type
At 11th level, the Warden may select a second creature type as a favored creature. The warden must already own at least two Animite Rings with different breeds of creature of the new type.
Core Acceptance
At 13th level, the Warden can even interact with Core creatures of his chosen types, with no penalty. The taint of the creatures summonedby the warden is eliminated. For Core wardens at this level, the Dream Creatures from other regions become totally at ease with their corruption, and are considered Core creatures.

The following is a list of Warden Gifts. A warden may select one of these gifts for his selected creatures (only) at every fifth Warden level.


Aggression characterizes the warrior. While the defenders protects their homelands, the warrior engages in attacks on other regions when necessary. The warrior fights with both weapons and spells.

Abilities gained:

Combat Casting
The Warrior excels at being able to cast spells or utilize Dream Energy while under attack. The warrior automatically gains the Combat Casting feat. Furthermore, the Warrior gains a class bonus of +1/2 levels (round down) as a warrior to all Concentration checks while in combat.
Like the Defender, the Warrior not only links empathically with his Dream Creatures, he also knows where they are. As long as the Dream Creature is within 20 feet +10 feet/level of the Warrior, the Warrior senses where the creature is.
Combat Hunch
The Warrior naturally gets hunches while in combat. Any time the Warrior enters combat with another magi or Dream Creature (or has his creatures enter combat), the Warrior may roll a XXX check. The warrior gains one piece of hidden information about the opposition. This information must be relevant to the combat

Prestige Classes


Keepers are the overall defenders for their region, responsible for the region as a whole. Each region (except for the Core) has a single keeper. In each region, there is a single Magi who assures the safety and peace of the Moonlands, protecting his fellow Magi from the dangers of wild Dream Creatures and the endless threat of the nefarious Core Magi. This Magi is known as a Keeper, and is trusted and respected throughout the Moonlands.

To assure the strength and quality of character the Keepers must possess, the ancients of each region constructed mazes and puzzles to challenge those who would attempt to earn this prestigious title. Known as the Keeper's Trials, they are kept as a closely guarded secret amongst the Keepers of the Moonlands.


Ringsmiths are the makers of the Animite rings which all magi need to summon Dream Creatures.


Sages are trusted with the lore and wisdom of their region. Sages are expected to have excellent memory, and their knowledge frequently gives them an unexpected edge. They also gain some divinatory abilities.


Shadow magi have turned to the Core. They usually become outcasts from their region, and lose touch with a great deal of the original magics of their homeland. At the same time, they gain power from the Core.

Falling into the Shadow: Characters who take the Shadow prestige class have irrevocably tainted themselves. They are able to command the dark energies of the core, but this will change them over time. To cast spells of their original region, they must make a Will save (DC depends on the level of spell and #of levels as Shadow) Their Dream Creatures become uneasy around them (except for any Core creatures, of course). While normally a magi has little problems controlling or befriending a creature, a Shadow magi may have difficulties. There are some exceptions - a few dream creatures are not as sensitive to the Core energies, and thus will continue to serve the magi. Shadow magi also show some physical changes. These changes happen immediately upon the magi taking the Shadow class.

Resisting the Core: A character may take levels as a Shadow and still be able to resist its corruption. As long as the character has less levels as a Shadow than his Wisdom bonus (if any), he may withstand the taint of the shadow (need some effects here)


Trackers are devoted to determining threats to their region from other regions. They are adept at hunting and dealing with any problems from other regions, and pursuing those responsible into the other regions.

Region Regions considered Adjacent for Requirements purposes
Arderial Any except Underneath, Core
Bograth Paradwyn, Kybar's Teeth, Orothe, Core
Cald Kybar's Teeth, D'Resh, Orothe or Underneath
Core Any
D'Resh Weave, Arderial, Cald
Kybar's Teeth Cald, Underneath, Arderial or Bograth
Nar Orothe, Arderial, Naroom
Naroom Paradwyn, Weave, Orothe, Core*
Orothe Cald, Bograth, Nar, Naroom, Paradwyn
Paradwyn Bograth, Weave, Naroom
Underneath Kybar's Teeth, Core, one of the following: Cald, Weave, Bograth, D'Resh
Weave Paradwyn, D'Resh, Naroom

* Only after Fall of Naroom (in the Storyline)

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