
Chitinspace is one of the five satellite spheres of Gatespace. Also called Bugspace or Insectoidspace, Chitinspace holds an insectoid starbeast which holds the planets of the sphere in each of its hands and feet. The exact nature and shape of the insectoid starbeast is not known; it is usually invisible to all senses. Very rarely, a shape can be seen, but the actual shape of the beast either changes or is seen differently by different beings.

The only feature of the starbeast that is usually visible are its eyes. The eyes are the sun(s) of this sphere, each glowing with the light and heat of a fire body. The starbeast's head apparently rotates 360 degrees once every 24 hours, giving the worlds of Chitinspace a normal day-night cycle. However, since the planets are held by the star beast, they have relatively little motion and therefore no seasonal variations.

The stars of Chitinspace are enormous glowing insects, crawling on the inner surface of the sphere. These glowing insects move around, and are essentially smaller star beasts, with luminescence that is reminiscent of fireflies. Whenever the great star beast becomes hungry, it eats one of the stars. However, the star-insects do reproduce once every century or so, ensuring that the stars will always remain, and the star beast will never grow hungry. Following the great star beast's consumption of one of the stars, it is visible as a vague, translucent shape for several days.

The worlds of Chitinspace are caught in a religious war between the Thri-Kreen and the K'r'rrr. Each race believes that the starbeast resembles their race, and each believes the sphere therefore belongs to them. Other races try to avoid involving themselves, though the Xixchil have a small force supporting the Thri-Kreen.

Neogi operate within this sphere fairly openly. Other unscrupulous groups also operate within the sphere, acting as arms merchants, slavers, or mercenaries. Combats include both planetary battles and fleet actions.


Type G Flat earth world, held in the upper left claw of the great star beast.

This world is dominated by the Thri-Kreen. It is an arid world, with numerous deserts, savannas and steppes.

The thri-kreen realized long ago that any natural resources of this world had to be maintained to support their war effort. The forests of Rakak-Ord are guarded, as they are a source of wood which is needed to build and repair the thri-kreen's spelljamming vessels. This has caused a small number of thri-kreen to adopt druidism in an effort to protect and promote these lands. The druidic thri-kreen are respected by their fellows.

In addition to the common and druidic thri-kreen, Rakak-Ord also includes more advanced varieties of kreen, such as the tohr-kreen (see the Dark Sun setting). These relatives of the thri-kreen support their brethren, acting as advisors and leaders when needed. Xixchil are also common, working alongside the thri-kreen.


Type G Flat earth world, held in the upper right claw of the great star beast.

Keddak-Ti suffered tremendous devastation as a result of the war. A site of numerous battles, most of the resources of Keddak-Ti were stripped to support either the thri-kreen or the k'r'rrr. Indigenous life was nearly eradicated, consumed by the hungry armies of both sides. Now, the world is slowly recovering.

Both the thri-kreen and k'r'rrr maintain small bases on Keddak-Ti. These bases serve as way stations for either force. They also serve as a refuge for individuals on either side who wish to end the conflict before more worlds are devastated. Some try to revive the planet, protecting the remaining indigenous life and trying to cultivate what few plants still grow. Other colonies have encouraged humanoid visitors to help rekindle the life of Keddak-Ti. In addition, the surviving natives of Keddak-Ti, the abeil, are repopulating after the devastation.

What the thri-kreen and K'r'rrr will not admit is that Keddak-Ti once held several thriving colonies of elves. During the First Unhuman War, both the thri-kreen and K'r'rrr descended upon Keddak-Ti. The elves had dispatched most of their forces into the conflict with the orcs and goblinoids. The settlements, largely undefended, fell quickly as the thri-kreen and K'r'rrr turned Keddak-Ti into a war zone.

Of course, the elves' colonies on Keddak-Ti had their own secrets. Keddak-Ti was one of the sites where elves learned how to create bionoids and Spirit Warriors. There also is a persistent rumor that the insectare arose here. Since most records have long been destroyed, only rumors remain. The elves have not tried to reclaim their holdings on Keddak-Ti.


Type F elliptical earth world, held in the middle left claw of the great star beast.

Chik-tani is held at its north and south poles (the longest axis of the planet), and Chik-tani rotates within the starbeast's grasp. This gives the world a more rapid day-night cycle.

This world has largely been untouched by the thri-kreen and the K'r'rrr, for the simple reason that the local inhabitants are simply too dangerous. Hives of insectoid creatures live in a quasi-feudal society, continuously warring with each other and anyone who visits. Simply put, each hive considers all other animal life (including other hives) as food. The queens of each hive continually breed newer forms of warriors in an effort to conquer their neighbors. The insect life has a primitive intelligence overall, though there are some exceptions.

A wide variety of insectoid life forms can be found on Chik-tani. Examples include most of the insectoid life forms of Athas (see the Dark Sun setting), and (for 3rd edition) low-intelligence creatures with the Insectoid template. The various queens try to spawn newer and more efficient warriors, so almost all creatures of this world are savage.

The thri-kreen do have a single colony on this world. It is well-defended, and the thri-kreen exterminated several hives to secure it. The neogi have constructed a starbase which orbits Chik-tani; they periodically attack hives that have already lost numerous warriors. The neogi find that the inhabitants make excellent slaves. The elven imperial navy also maintains a small base nearby, though it is concealed.


Type F Oblate Elliptical water world, held in the middle right claw of the great star beast.

Like its sister planet, Choja-Ruk is held by the starbeast at its north and south pole, and it rotates as well. However, Choja-Ruk's equatorial radius has grown as a result of its rotation, making it bulge outward. The north/south pole axis is actually the shortest path through the planet. The world has abundant plant life, which weaves itself together in places to create relatively solid objects within the water world.

For the most part, Choja-Ruk has been ignored by both the thri-kreen and k'r'rrr, as neither are adapted to explore underwater. A few expeditions have been made by spell-casting members of both races. The world is primarily inhabited by crustacean creatures, such as crab men, yurians, chuul, and similar creatures.


Type G bowl-shaped earth world, held in the lower left claw of the great star beast.

The site of the current hostilities, Taithek is a rough world. It is mountainous, but the lowlands of the mountains are covered in swampy terrain. While rough to traverse, Taithek has considerable resources, most of which have not been consumed by the war - yet.


Type G bowl-shaped earth world, held in the lower right claw of the great star beast.

Ryttos is dominated by the K'r'rrr. It is primarily a jungle world, full of lush vegetation and abundant animal life.

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