Using Tribal War cards in Rage: Apocalypse Games

Five Rings Publishing released a totally new version of Rage, which uses considerably different rules mechanics. The Classic Rage and New Rage cards are not compatible under normal circumstances. However, since some of the cards are playable, this page is designed to provide rules to use a subset of the Rage Across Las Vegas cards(aka Rage: Tribal War) in Classic Rage (aka Rage: Apocalypse) games.

I have avoided creating extensive errata or trying to make a particular card work in Rage: Apocalyse games - if it doesn't work easily, oh well... If a Rage2 card is below average, but still has unique abilities, I have usually marked it as usable. This document includes rules additions for some of the Rage: Tribal War cards for use in Rage: Apocalypse, as well as interpretations of terminology used on Tribal War cards.


There are some terms used on Rage2 cards which need to have guidelines as to their interpretation in Rage1. The following are recommendations.

Alpha Phase
The Combat Phase
Benefit (X)
Only garou who match (X) get the additional effect.
On cards from Rage: Tribal War, Character means Creature. It includes allies, enemies and victims.
Combat Event (In)
These effects can be used as a Combat Event by a character entering combat, at the beginning of combat or between rounds of combat. Interpret this to mean "Use this ability as this character is entering combat". The exact timing of the effect usually applies after the combatants have been determined, though some redirection effects do exist in Tribal War.
Combat Event (Out)
Effects used as a Combat Event by a character NOT currently involved in the current combat. Again, the timing will usually be after the combatants are determined.
Damage Effect
An effect (usually on a combat card) which only occurs if the combat action actually damages a creature.
Flex Combat cards can be used either as an attack or a block. You must state which option you are using before revealing combat cards, but after they are selected.
Frenzy: X
The character draws X extra cards whenever it frenzies. Ignore this trait on allies, enemies or victims.
Attacker. Specifically, Alpha taking his Alpha action, or character initiating some form of attack (such as a Sneak Attack).
Insight: X
A creature with Insight may draw X cards at the beginning of any combat it is involved in, and then discard X cards. A prey with Insight allows all players other than the attacker to use the ability.
Iron Riders
Should be considered identical to Glass Walkers for all purposes. Any card with an Iron Riders requirement may be used by Glass Walkers.
Main Action
Action performed in Resource phase, such as equipping, playing a caern, etc. Actions provided on cards take place after all resources are played during the Resource Phase.
Main Phase
The Resource Phase
A combat event that can only be used between combat rounds.
A combat event that can only be used at the beginning of a combat.
Target of an attack.
Sept Draw
Sept hand size - normally 5 in Rage: Apocalypse.
Set (a garou) to Regenerate
For the most part, disregard anything which refers to setting a garou to regenerate. If a card includes setting a garou to regenerate for a particular effect (rather than regenerating), then assume instead that the ability starts working at the beginning of the following turn.
Sustained Rage
Rage score may not be lowered below this value.
Loyalty to the listed tribe.
A damage card. Heal (or regenerate) one wound means "Heal (or regenerate) the lowest damage card on this creature". Give one wound (on your own character or ally) means "play a combat card as damage this creature". You may not give a wound to a creature you do not control, nor can you give a wound to a creature when you do not have a combat hand (eg, in the first turn, before combat cards are drawn).

In addition, the following terms have no equivalents in Rage: Apocalypse, and any references to them should be ignored:


Many allies, enemies and victims have Keywords, as do Combat cards, Moots, and some Events. These define additional traits about the creature or card. They are similar to the Keyword rules added to Rage: Apocalypse, but have additional effects in some cases.

Any ally, enemy or victim can play a gift of a type specifically matching its one of its Keywords. For instance, the Bane Host Mother (Keywords: Umbra Bane Wyrm) can use Bane gifts, but not all Wyrm gifts. The Bane of Doom (which does not have the keyword Bane) cannot use Bane gifts.

For Combat cards, the keywords refer to how the attack is performed, and have little effect on the actual combat.the following conversions and rules apply:

For Moots, the keyword is basically mostly flavor. However, a few Rage: Tribal War characters have abilities which modify certain moots.

Characters Allies Battlefields Enemies
Equipment Events Gifts Moots
Past Lives Rites Totems Victims
Combat Actions Combat Events Tribe Cards

The following sections are grouped by card type, and include specific notes on playing each type of card (where appropriate). Only cards that are usable in Rage: Apocalypse are included. All other cards are either unbalanced, deal with game effects which do not exist, or create various rules problems. This list will likely change over time, as individual cards are tested more fully, and cards are found to be unbalancing.


Because of the difference in scores between the different versions, the following conversion applies: In breed form, if a character has a higher printed Rage than its Health, the Rage score is reduced to the health score. This only applies to the character's breed form, and only to the base rage and health (printed on the card).

Note that some characters have different special abilities in breed and crinos forms.

Black Furies

Bone Gnawers

Children of Gaia


Get of Fenris

Red Talons

Shadow Lords

Silent Striders

Silver Fangs




Other Shapechangers



For Battlefields, the actual mechanics are different than Rage: Apocalypse. Since the Battlefield rules are currently undergoing revisions, the usable battlefields are still To Be Determined. Adapting the Rage: Tribal War battlefields will require some elaboration.



Double the gnosis requirements for equipment. If a piece of equipment has an auspice requirement, disregard all requirements. If it has a tribe requirement only, then the equipment is tribe-specific.


Events from Rage: Tribal War are played like Action cards, and should be considered as such when used in Apocalypse games. Any Event with the Long Event keyword must be played during the Resource Phase, and lasts until the end of the turn. Some Tribal War Events are only usable by certain tribes or auspices.


Double the gnosis for gifts. The auspice and tribe requirements stay the same. Rather than attaching, most gifts are a single-shot effect, played (and discarded) when any action listed on them could be used. For instance, a gift with a Main action could only be used during the Resource (aka Main) phase, while a Mid-Combat gift could only be used between rounds of a combat. Those gifts without an action attach as normal.


All moots from Rage: Tribal War lack a Renown requirement, but instead have a tribe, auspice, or breed requirement. If the moot has an auspice requirement only, then only characters of that auspice may call or vote on that moot. If the moot has a tribe requirement, then any Gaia character may call or vote on the moot. The minimum renown for calling a moot is 2, or 4 if the moot has a tribe requirement. Unique moots have a 6 renown requirement.

Past Lives

The rules for playing Past Lives are being revised. The following Past Lives should work once the new rules are finalized.


Use double the Gnosis requirement (inside the Moon) as the Renown requirement for all Rites from Tribal War. No rite should be restricted by auspice - all rites with an auspice requirement listed should instead be usable by all garou and fera. Those with only a Tribe listed are tribe-specific rites.

Rites resolve immediately. If the rite grants an ability, keep the rite attached to the character, and the rite lasts permanently.


Totems from Rage: Tribal War are considered distinct from those from Rage: Apocalypse, even if they have the same name.


Since there were no Wyrm characters in Rage: Tribal War, the various victims could be targets of various Gaia packs. If the Victim's special ability specifically mentions a Tribe, they are affected by that Victim's special ability. For instance, Mist Man's special ability gives all garou +1 Rage, but prevents them from playing Fetishes. Silver Fangs, Glass Walkers, and Fianna gain renown for killing him. So they are also affected by the +1 Rage and Fetish prevention (in addition to all Wyrm packs). A Black Fury wouldn't be, though she'd be affected by Bill Clanton. This does not apply to auspices.

Combat Actions

The Rage requirements of combat actions is double the listed Rage score (the number inside the blood splot). Defense cards (and Flexes played as a defense card) do not have a damage score (and thus will not cause Razor Claws to trigger). A player playing a Flex must state whether its an attack card or a defense card, after all combat cards are selected.

Whenever a card refers to your opponent, it refers to the combatant that the card was aimed at (for attacks), or a single combatant who attacked you (for defenses), not necessarily any combatant on the opposing side. Whenever a card causes a combatant to spend rage or lose rage, the rage is lost for the duration of the combat. In combats against Prey (enemies and victims), a card which messes with an opponent's hand will mess with the player playing on behalf of the prey targeted with the combat action. A card which says it blocks all damage (of a certain type, eg Fast Face Kick) instead Dodges the damage card(s). Ignore any references to reacting to damage.

Combat Events

Tribe Cards

Tribe cards start in play. You may use a tribe card only if over half of the initial renown of your characters is the specified tribe or auspice (e.g., 11 or more for a 20 renown game). Ignore cohorts and tribe fury. Your sept draw is modified to the number on the card (instead of 5).