
Arderial Bograth Cald Core
D'Resh Kybar's Teeth Nar Naroom
Orothe Paradwyn Underneath The Weave

Magi-Nation d20 Home Page - The Moonlands

Nar is a frigid arctic land eternally dominated by snow and ice. The wintertime snows accumulate in massive drifts, and even the tepid summers do not melt all of the ice. Only rarely can the vast tundra be seen; for most of the year the few stands of lonely pines, and a solitary mountain provides the only landmarks in this forbidding land.


Nar is covered in ice and snow. Huge glacial sheets of ice cover much of Nar, and even form icy caves in some of the hills. Stands of pines grow frequently in the southern half of Nar. The glaciers of Nar have not had significant time to carve out the underlying terrain, but much of Nar is still covered by rough terrain under the snow. Glaciers cover much of Nar, both as continental ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Natural ice caverns frequently form within these great sheets of ice.

The solitary mountain Cyl lies near the center of Nar, and generally forms the boundary between the northern and southern Nar. In fact, Cyl lies close the the Moonlands' arctic circle, so the region north of Cyl suffers the long nights and days of the polar regions. North of Cyl, the ground never thaws, and there are no stands of plants at all. It is just vast stretches of ice and snow. Even Narans avoid this area - mostly because they find it boring.

In the southern reaches of Nar, where the seasonal variation is significant, the snow and ice sometimes melt enough that one can reach the underlying tundra during Nar's brief summers.. Occasionally the glacial ice will break off into the sea, forming icebergs. Of course, unwary travelers also might discover a patch of thin ice over one of Nar's many lakes.

Unknown to all Moonlanders save for the Enni tribe and the king and queen of the Narans, Nar serves a particular purpose in the Moonlands magical ecology. The solitary mountain of Cyl also serves as the focal point of the Void node. This source of energy both provides Nar with ample magical energy, but also draws power away from the Core, weakening it. As the Void energies stream out through Nar, it also saps the heat of the region, causing its frigid temperatures. As the Void energies of the Core are a fundamental part of the Moonlands, the energy stream within Cyl keeps it balanced with the rest of the elemental energies.

Another great secret of Nar is that a system of ice tunnels laes through the region, and even extends to tunnels in other regions. These tunnels are well-hidden, and even most Narans are not aware of them. They were constructed long ago by Morag for some unknown reason, probably related to Nar's function with Void energy.


Anyone who travels in Nar should prepare for bitterly cold temperatures. Nar never reaches above 40°F, and frequently dips below 0°F at night. Traveling without warm clothing or magic to help with cold weather leads to certain disaster.

When the temperatures are below 40°F but above 0°F, unprotected characters must make successful Fortitude saving throws each hour (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters wearing furs or other protective clothing are safe at this temperature range.

When the temperature dips below 0°F, an unprotected characters must make Fortitude saving throws as above once every 10 minutes. Even if a traveler has protective clothing, they still must save once an hour.

If a character takes any non-lethal damage from the cold, they suffer Frostbite, which causes a -2 penalty to Dexterity. They also suffer mild hypothermia, and become fatigued. If a creature suffering mild hypothermia fails another fortitude check, they suffer moderate hypothermia, and become exhausted. Failing a third check means the character is suffering from severe hypothermia, and is disabled.

When the temperature is so cold, getting wet increases the danger of hypothermia. If a character is immersed in cold waters, they must immediately make a Fortitude check. This check, and all succeeding checks, have a =10 penalty until the character and his clothes dry out.

Medium-size characters (e.g., all characters in Magi-Nation) can safely walk on ice that is 4 inches thick or more. A medium-sized creature walking on ice that is 2-3 inches thick has a 50% chance of breaking through if they perform vigorous activity (running, jumping, or falling on the ice). If the ice is less than 2 inches thick, a medium-sized creature will automatically fall through.

Another hazard of Nar is snowblindness. A character who spends at least an hour on an ice sheet, glacier, or snowfield on a bright sunny day without eye protection must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/previous attempt) each hour or go snowblind. A snowblind character suffers a -2 penalty to AC, lose their Dexterity bonus to AC, move at half-speed, and suffer a -4 penalty to all Dexterity-based and vision-based skill checks. Any opponent of a snowblind character is considered to have concealment (20% miss chance). Snowblindness lasts 1d4 hours or until the afflicted character spends at least an hour in the shade. Narans, with their dark skin, are immune to Snowblindness.

For more detailed information on arctic hazards and conditions, see Frostburn.

Cities and Sites


Cyl is the lonesome city of Nar. Built within the solitary mountain of the same name, Cyl is the home of the Enni culture. Enni rarely, if ever, leave Cyl. It is also where the production of void energy is focused and expelled from the moonlands.

Outside of the mountain, the Owtee clan also has a village, also called Cyl. This settlement serves as the capital of the region, and the King and Queen of the Narans (Odavast and Laranel) dwell here.


Other Moonlanders know little about the Narans, and Narans rarely visit other regions.


The desolate land of Nar has surprisingly varied vegetation. Nar boasts a number of plants that have adapted to the bitter cold and sparse sunlight. Pine forests are common, particularly in the southern reaches. In addition to the pine forests, a few other unique tree varieties thrive in Nar. One resembles a tall pole with relatively flat branching and dark leaves, resembling a very tall T.

Nar also has some unusual ice-plants. These plants are mostly composed of ice, shaped like a splay of icy crystals. The ice crystals refract and absorb sunlight for the plant to grow. Most visitors fail to recognize these as plants.

Another type of plant, the Naran flowerpuff, resembles a round puffball on a thick stalk. These plants provide color to Nar, blooming with a variety of colors. Most grow to about a foot or two above the ice. The stalk is fairly rigid and thick, with bark-like segments to provide strength to the stalk.


Naran creatures have a typical range of types for the Moonlands. All of the Naran creatures have adapted to the bitter cold, and are unaffected by the severe temperatures of this frigid land. Naran creatures tend to be reluctant to bond with magi, even Narans. Rare is the non-Naran who has formed a bond with a Naran creature.

Encounter Table

Common (1-6) Uncommon (7-9) Rare (0)

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