
Sphere created by Brian Higbee


Type G (73410 mile diameter) spherical fire world. Primary


Type F (35670 miles diameter) elliptical water world. 60 million miles from primary.

No moons, hotter than normal. Inhabited by Locathah, sahuagin, sea elves, and tritons.


Type D (2690 miles diameter) spherical fire world. 80 million miles from primary.

One moon, and over 180 asteroids orbit Pyrosa. Inhabited by brass and red dragons, fire elementals, fire giants, and salamanders.


Type E (8830 miles diameter) spherical earth world. 100 million miles from primary.

1 Moon. Inhabited by Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, atlantoi, kzinti, and many other humanoid races (typical adventuring world).


Type H (382770 miles diameter) spherical earth world. 140 million miles from primary.

No moons, colder than normal. Inhabited by Frost giants, hill giants, ogres, dwarves, and humans.


Type D (approximately 3500 miles diameter) cluster earth world. 180 million miles from primary.

One moons and a ring of fire circle this planet. Inhabited by elves, humans, orcs and ogres


Type G (99250 miles diameter) flat earth world. 400 million miles from primary.

Three moons. Inhabited by Kzinti.


Type H (Aapproximately 218500 miles diameter) amorphous air world. 1200 million miles from primary.

No moons but over 500 asteroids in orbit. Inhabited by dragons, scavvers, wyverns, and grell

The Pixie

Type B (63 miles diameter) spherical earth world. 2400 million miles from primary.

No moons, voidworld. Pech and some humans live underground (in small pockets of air).

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