
Chromaspace is one of the five satellite spheres of Gatespace. It is an unusual crystal sphere. The inside of the crystal shell is a glossy white instead of black. The stars - which are simply portals in the crystal shell of Chromaspace - appear dark in contrast. The star-portals range in size anywhere from a few yards across to a mile or more; they usually remain open for several days.

The native inhabitants of the sphere have never experienced night. The suns are arranged so that one or two are always visible from any point in the sphere. While darkness is not a foreign concept, the idea of sun(s) not being visible in the sky would be totally foreign to them.

Aside from the inhabitants of the various worlds, the sphere is home to numerous delphinids and great dreamers. Focoids are also fairly common. These creatures travel throughout the sphere. In addition, many of the other inhabitants have trilateral symmetry (see the Trilateral template). Because of the high number of trilateral creatures, and the symmetrical nature of this system, it is popular with those seeking information about the Juna.


Type I spherical air world. Primary

Bialtur is an odd air world, sometimes called the lacework world. It is an immense sphere of air, with the typical abundance of clouds, weather, and avian creatures. However, throughout the air body are thin bridges and landings made of earth (usually). These bridges and landings, miles long at times, are stable, and unaffected by the weather. Some travellers jokingly refer to it as an exact opposite to the typical passages and caverns found in the underdark of many earth worlds.

The bridges range anywhere from as thin as a few feet across to as broad as a mile or more in diameter. Some of the bridges are hollow, and contain water, or rarely magma, flowing through them. The various landings frequently have towns inhabited by non-flying creatures.

Nyvisien, Yertasien, Therosien

Nyvisien: Type E spherical earth world. Distance from primary: 80 million miles.
Yertasien: Type E spherical earth world. Distance from primary: 80 million miles.
Therosien: Type E cluster earth world. Distance from primary: 80 million miles.

Nyvisien, Yertasien, and Therosien all occupy the same orbit, and are evenly spaced around the primary. They are all primarily inhabited by trilateral creatures of various types.

Nyvisien is a watery earth world. It is 90% covered with water; the land primarily consists of island chains. A few landmasses are large enough to be considered continents, with distinct weather patterns. The oceans are shallow though, never more than a mile deep.

Marine variants of delphinids are common on Nyvisien.

Yertasien is mostly desert. Almost a reflection of Nyvisien, only a few sources of water exist, mostly underground springs which bubble up into small oases. A few actually form small lakes or even geysers, but these are the exception. The sky of Yertasien is a golden color, which causes visitors to be disoriented - the land and sky blur together at the horizon.

Therosien was once a spherical world like Nyvisien and Yertasien. However, some calamity destroyed the planet, fragmenting it into hundreds of worldlets. The worldlets are close enough together to share a common atmosphere; large trees with a double root system connect the worldlets (with a root system on each worldlet), providing natural bridges between them.

One local legend is that Nyvisien and Yertasien were created by the gods. But one was too dry, and the other too wet. Finally, when Therosien was created, it was perfect. But the gods of Nyvisien and Yertasien (or the inhabitants) grew jealous, and shattered Therosien. Another belief, more common among spacefarers, is that the reigar were responsible.

The cluster of worldlets are covered in abundant plant life. The plants of Therosien are almost all flowering, and the cluster world is awash in color. The most beautiful flowers, the ryndal, is common, and has a wonderful aroma. Ryndal varieties are various shades of purple or pink, and are used for perfumes.

Xorn are common on Therosien. Whether they had anything to do with the planet's breakup is unknown.

Rothir, Ulzir, Vandir

Type D spherical fire worlds. Distance from primary: 200 million miles

Rothir, Ulzir, and Vandir are the three suns of Chromaspace. Like Nyvisien, Yertasien, and Therosien, they are equally spaced around the primary. Each of the suns is physically identical except for their color. Rothir burns a bright red, Ulzir is blue, while Vandir is green.


Type D Wateroid belt. Distance from primary: 260 million miles.

The belt of wateroids is the furthest planetary body in Chromaspace. Its accessibility make Chromaspace a popular destination for ships needing to reprovision. The various water bodies which make up the belt are inhabited by a variety of aquatic life.

The Samaldia Belt seems to have three notable concentrations, all equidistant. Some believe that the belt was once 3 water worlds which were broken apart. Others believe the concentrations are due to the gravity of Chromaspace's three suns. The wateroids stretch all the way around the sphere.

Some of the inhabitants - notably the tritons and tako - are experimenting with spelljamming technology. They have tried to develop ships which maintain a water envelope instead of an air envelope. So far their attempts have been unsuccessful, but the tritons and tako are willing to sign on with other ships - as long as their needs can be met. The tritons are not trilateral creatures, suggesting they arrived here from a different system. The tako of Samaldia have nine tentacles instead of eight, and three eyes, but are otherwise identical to the standard tako.

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