Rhynn is the westernmost major Kelevantian city on the south coast of Melarna. Its proximity to the Throndil mountains and the dwarven kingdom of Throndheim makes Rhynn popular with the dwarves as well. Rhynn also receives most of the trade from the colonies in the Jassiol Jungle. Rhynn's location at the mouth of the Rhyndul river makes it a large trading city, and the second largest city in Kelevantia.



56000 humans, 23000 dwarves, 8000 halflings


As the center of power for the duchy of Rhyndus, Rhynn is ruled by Duchess Phirona. Duchess Phirona is well-loved by the population of the area

Armed Forces

Sections of Town

Sites around Rhynn


The Great Halls of Aphrodite: the center of religion for Aphrodite; she is worshipped in all of her aspects here, and her attendant demigods each have a small altar within the temple. The clergy is on good terms with other Greek-pantheon temples in the area, and the duchess even attends services here.

Taverns & Inns

Dancing Imp Inn: After rebuilding the Dancing Imp after a recent fire caused by overzealous adventurers, the barkeep and owner, NNNN, is not very tolerant of adventurers. He has a no-weapons policy, a couple of bouncers, and a well-trained serving staff which has been known to bump spellcasters who try to cast spells. NNNN also contributes to the local watch, and guardsmen get a free drink when off-duty. This makes the Dancing Imp rather safe.

Red Dragon Inn: a favorite of travelling adventurers, not as classy as the Dancing Horse, but a much wider cross-section of people. Bards are encouraged to tell their stories to appreciative audiences, and adventurers tell rumors from other lands and even other worlds. The Inn also is known to have a gate in the form of a large archway in a back room, which opens to other prime material worlds.

Tosh's Dancing Horse Inn: a classy inn with good food, musical entertainment, and good security. It is popular with locals as well as wealthy visitors






Thieves' Guilds

Ganae Gazetteer

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