

Fenorri is an independent principality west of Bariston. Its economy is supported by an abundant agriculture. Its location on the Veldis Sea also allows Fenorrans to harvest the sea's bounty, and the dense forest to the north allows some forest-based industry as well. Fenorri gained independence from Ossavia in 2247. When Bariston threw off the chains of Ossavia, they received discreet aid from the Count of Fenorri. At that time, Earl Thrydwine ruled little more than the town of Velton. Thrydwine asked the hobbits to recognize the Valsong river as the border between Bariston and Fenorri, and the farmlands to the north of the town of Velton were to be under Thrydwine's control.

With Bariston blocking most key access to the new Principality of Fenorri from the north and east, its independence was assured. However, Ossavia persuaded several Orcish tribes to move into the forests north of Fenorri, with hopes that the harassment of farmers would make the Fenorrans yearn for the protection of the Ossavians. Thrydwine responded by encouraging the worship of Chauntea and Rillifane Rallathil of the elves. A number of wood elves and high elves, pleased by gifts to their deity, defended the area from the encroaching orcs. These elven tribes still remain in the forests along Fenorran's northern border.

Today, Fenorri is cordial with Kelevantia, but is a little afraid of being absorbed or conquered by the mighty kingdom. The close alliance between Throndheim, Kelevantia and Bariston certainly exacerbates their concerns.


The largest city in Fenorri is Velton, the capital. Velton lies at the mouth of the RRR river, and the Prince's castle is on an island in the bay.

The northernmost reaches of the principality are home to a chain of forts, designed to act as a warning system for invading humanoids. Those forts on the eastern edge have seen little action, but the western forts (particularly Fort Gryphon) are frequently under attack by orcs and gnolls from Krazok.

Several villages in northern Fenorri were recently devastated by an intense chaos-effect, which started when a comet crashed into the countryside. Warnock and Berley were particularly hard-hit, while Fort Wyvern was utterly destroyed. Many survivors have shown signs of physical or mental warping. Berley is currently being rebuilt by Herveus (a P6 of Dionysus) and Tol Kurin (leader of the town watch); Warnock is being watched over by Lianak, a P5 of Chauntea. Lianak spends much time in the orchards, cultivating trees that have been permanently warped by the chaos-effect.

At the center of the chaos effect is a five-mile diameter region which is the only physical remnant of the chaos effect. Locals have started to call it Comet Lake; it consists of a large number of facetted crystalline chunks (5-10' in size) floating in a milky, strongly magnetic fluid. This fluid causes any vegetable matter (wood, hemp rope) to instantly melt. Furthermore, the crystalline chunks are easily tipped, making exploration dangerous. Each chunk also has miniature terrain made of mineral (forests, mountains, usually warped in some fashion) in cavities in the crystal. The crystals emit a horrid cacophonous chiming when they collide, and the entire area is a wild magic zone.


Fenorrans are both independent and earthy. They refused to join Kelevantia when that kingdom was founded, and are guarded against Kelevantian intrusion. Many farmers have recently come to believe that the Bariston hobbits covet their land, and this has led to some tenseness between the small independent nation and the hobbits.

Fenorrans are friends of the earth. They are fond of nature-related deities. The northern areas are sporadically raided by orcs, and this has led to the establishment of defensive forts in the northern area. Elves are always welcome. Fenorri also has a good relation with the dwarves of Throndheim, and trade agricultural and marine foodstuffs for dwarven metal. Throndheim has a long history of trade with Fenorri, which is presently diminishing - primarily because Throndheim and Kelevantia are strong partners, both militarily and economically.

The military of Fenorri are generally well-integrated with society. The officers of the watch are frequently retired army officers who decide to settle in an area. The military also uses fewer official ranks than usual. The ranks are Vo (private), Val (sergeant), Tol (captain), Mar (major/colonel). and (general).

Ganae Gazetteer

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